CIHM Microfiche Series (Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian da microreproductions historiques ^^^^y^W^^^^^m^TW g: Technical and Bibliographic Notes / Notes techniques et bibliographiques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available for filming. 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Un das symbolas suivants apparaitra sur la darniira image da cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols — »> signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbols V signifie "FIN". Map*, plates, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction rat.os. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, plenches. tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre filmis A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour atre raproduit en un seul clich*. il est filmA A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droits, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'imeges nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 -'< .tVk-i' *jt^/.4\f\i'A' '■-'■ri^V-A-.ii-M "^asf^'^js^im 'i^^^m^it'^imii^m^.-'^^ MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) I.I I 45 156 1^ m tsi 1" Ui us, 1 '-^ 1.25 11.4 1.8 1.6 ^ APPLIED IIVHGE I nc 165J East Main Street Rochester. New York 14509 716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 - 5989 - Fox USA ■;5F^^T»^i ^«W«TSi^i3f2Sf« <' ONTENTS. 1 T'niversus . 7 •2, Tis Evt'iiintf . 15 :<. Orb of I3i!iuty . 25 1. All IrittTmuation . 211 5. Thl AlKlrlit Ff.'ISt . ;>2 • i. Isl«* (i\' L.nirt'nfi,! . :<<; 7 Th. Drr.uth _ 45 s. From Tycho's Sunlit n.«i;>lit . l!» •). Tht- Death oi th( (;= . 55 ^^tEta^fessti ■-'wsmi^'-wss'saaas'.i-'-ifMtarTe'^x);^--*^. y'-^-^mt. .-''.. -i*-?Ww-'Wll The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. Ps. 19: 1, 2. UNIVERSUS. Azureal heavens of this mundane ephere, Thou void eternal and of endless epace, A sacred awe doet thou impart to him Who on thee gazes, and eublimeiy turns His mind in revolutions, till, with thouj^ht Profound, his mental vision seeks the deep Illimitable depths of nothingness Bestrewn with systems boundless to the mind Contracted and still limited to Earth ! Ten thousand times the space that Earth has been In darkness and has felt the glow of the Sublime and glorious orb of day, with fast Advancing feet would searching light but begin Her journey to creation's golden shore, The first majestic work eternal built: A circle of creation, ambient, With all the mighty worlds and powers within : A circus vast, where the chief actors are Spheres unnumbered and of majesty. ■CP" In n^ajesty they move with wondrous speed from pole to pole in univereal space • In rnajestj they glow with sapphire light Aiul spread above a glorious canopy VA ith gems, the jewels of wondrous Nature lit \N inch from the time of her nativity \\ere placed, her beauteous pereon to axiom ihroughout the ages of eternity. O sublime univense! O glorious worlds! U hat homage do ye pay lo this, the Earth ^' '"'^^ '^'' «h''^^' ^v day, and then bv night ^ tV\V!1' T''"^^ ^^ ^^"^ ^-^'^ <''^' Jiving To fulhl that hun^ble charge ? To that ordained ^ ^e boundless and eternal multitudes That guard with lasting light the vacancies, itiat lend such lustre to the infinite, And people the deep realms of chao^ with Mysterious fire, are ye obedient to The mandates of this atom floating on The universal winds? ... , , , ^Xv ! ppeak not thus Of worlds that countless as the sands, move in Majestic .^way to Nature's laws. All were 8 Sought out from the deep realms of matter and formed In spheres of mundane principles, .-m-h orb A world, each orb a member of the same Great family. Eternal night throughout The shades prevail fast bound by golden paths That lead to yon bright atmospheres wherein Perchance, the breath of mortal dwells, waft on The pleasant breeze of life, which there may be An Eden blessed, with full obedience to The laws of God and His commands. Life there, On yon bright orb. may be woe, human woe : ' Life there is pleasant, sad, and sorrowful. Ambition -crowned and upward, onward, with A quickening pace : life there may be a wealth Of intellectual power and happiness Divine ; joy, plucked from untold ages gone ; Joy drawn at last from evil's darksome reign By the faith-reaching powers of the soul," Which longsincp knew the good and evil things; Yea, knowing, >in did woi£?h full well The cause, And evil when 'twas balanced, kicked the beam. Etern h,mns of praise ye nightly „ng, O «o.l 5?spe'*a't»<<^»:j«ir««prmsKiB"B«i«."*B*«Jcaap*»'".«»'-. 'Sf^sfmwi. I thank thee, minstrels of Poetic birth. I thank thee, Nature, for This sylvan scene ! I thank thee, spirit of The Omnipresent One ! Thy light divine Doth reach the limits of the univeree ! Into this verdant shade a ray of joy Straight from the throne of God hath peered. Mirrored By light, bestowed on Nature from the world's Foundation, embers glow; and from the new Creation nectar eminates — joy And pleasure, pleasure exquisite. There is A language known to them of heaven, whose tongue In notes of silver, clear and musical, Doth praise its God. Freed from this mortal bane, They rise and tune their lyres to heavenly themes, And heavenly thought's express with ease in sweet Simplicity. Not so with man. He feels But can't express: expressed, an alien stands 18 Before. Yet is there joy. To think, to feel, To hold commune with Nature and with God, To feast the soul upon a passing breeze, To drink the perfume of the opening rose, To list the song of fe'athere